Turk Telekom’s revenues climb 10%, helped by 16% rise at Avea

15 Feb 2012

Turk Telekom has posted consolidated annual net profit of TRY2.328 billion (USD1.315 billion) for 2011, down by 18.4% on the previous year, although group revenues grew by 10.0% compared to 2010, reaching TRY11.941 billion on the back of strong operating performance. Operating profit was TRY3.5 billion, which represents a 6% year-on-year increase, and EBITDA reached TRY5.1 billion, up by 5.0%. Fixed line revenues recorded 8% annual growth, reaching TRY9.2 billion, as fixed voice bundled packages, ‘Home Advantage’, continued to grow in popularity, with 50% of Telekom’s 15.0 million PSTN customers (down by 6.7% in the twelve months to end-December 2011) taking a bundled package compared to 34% at end-2010. The telco’s ADSL broadband subscriber base increased 3% to reach 6.8 million at the end of the year. Mobile arm Avea increased its subscribers by 9.9%, or 1.1 million, to reach 12.8 million, and its revenues reached TRY3.1 billion, up by 16%.

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